
BR 2-02: Burglar's Breakfast

I read a book yesterday. The story was about burglar. The burglar's name is Alfie. He always steals a lot of things. After he was hard work, he liked to go home to a tasty breakfast. His breakfast is main meal of the day for him, so he always ate at least three courses.

When he arrive at the his house, he was very hungry. And he wanted to eat cornflakes, so he tried to find it. But he couldn't find it. Then, he noticed a trail of cornflakes leading out of the door. And the trail continued the street. He realized that someone had stolen his cornflakes, so he decided to get back his breakfast. Alfie followed the cornflake trail, and he found the cornflake burglar. He was surprised, because the burglar was a goat!! He said nothing and leave the goat.

On his way home, he thought that he ate the scrambled egg instead of cornflakes. But the eggs were also stolen by a fox. And the sugar was stolen by many ants. He wanted to cook the waffles, but he didn't want to stole them, so he gave up. Alfile felt hungry and very, very cross. Therefore, he ate the breakfast in the cafe.

I think a person is not able to do wrong thing. The book was very interesting.

(223 words)

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